Tuesday, March 20, 2007



Almost 40 years ago when I was about 8-9, I used to go to the ABC cinema in Swindon town centre with my three brothers. We used to live in Edgeware Road, which was very close by - there were actually houses there then. We used to go every Saturday morning. For three hours of viewing it used to cost a tanner (6 old pence, 2 1/2 new pence!!) We used to watch things like Roy Rogers, The Marx Brothers, Zorro, Old Mother Riley, Laurel & Hardy, The Three Stooges, William Tell, Robin Hood; and the morning would always finish with a film from the Children's Film Foundation such as Goodbye Mr Chips. As a friend from years ago used to say: they were "Nappy Days!!"

As far as God's perfect timing goes, I'm reminded of an old Roy Rogers film (from those nappy days) in which I vividly remember one scene. Roy is sinking in quicksand and gets to the point where he has only one arm sticking out. Then his faithful horse, Trigger, backs up allowing our hero to reach out and grab his tail and so pull him out. You could say God is a horse's tail (very Groucho Marx). I believe God is waiting until people are really desperate, sinking in a bog of evil and desperation. Then, when revival comes, they'll reach out...or at least many of them will. When the harvest is so ripe that the boughs are almost breaking, then I believe God will pour out the Holy Spirit big style and the world will see the biggest revival ever. RP - March 2007


One day as we prayed for Western Europe, I had a picture shown me in the Spirit. In this picture I saw the map of the continent of Europe, and as I looked, there came out of this map a big pillar of smoke. It was a tall, thick and dark pillar of heavy black fumes as from a factory chimney. The fumes rose up very slowly and gradually began spreading out.
From the pillar came a thin mist and it began spreading out almost imperceptibly, but within a short time, it had formed a dark film over the entire continent of Europe. As the mist grew thicker the features below blurred out and became difficult to distinguish under the film of black fumes.
Then suddenly, I saw a small light spring out within the Isles of the UK. It grew rapidly with finger-like rays of light spreading out in all directions. The rays to the South spread out wider and with longer beams than the rest, and soon cut across the European main land. For some time they disappeared into the thick black cloud rising and spreading over the rest of Europe, then they broke through and reappeared from within the fumes. They spread out even farther touching across the entire African continent, eastwards across Asia and Australia and westwards across the north and south America. Then the picture disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared and in its place came a scripture.
Isaiah 60:1-5
Arise, shine for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the Earth, and gross darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the nations shall come upon thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather themselves together, they come to thee; thy sons shall come from far and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.
Then thou shall see, and flow together, and your heart shall fear and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the nations shall come to thee.
Later as I continued to seek God about the meaning of this picture, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me. He said that the picture was a representation of what was happening in the spiritual realm of Europe right now. I cannot quote everything word for word but the following is the sum of revelation I received.
“A thick darkness is rising out of the continent of Europe right now. It is going to grow in intensity and will soon cover the whole continent, and on to the rest of the world. It is a force of evil. Wherever it will gain full control over any land, it will turn the hearts of the people totally away from God. They will then hate anything to do with God, with righteousness or indeed with any goodness. Sanity will be cast overboard, and people will call good evil and evil good. They will desire to give vent to the basest animal passions in them and will look for wilder and wilder ways of doing this. They will enjoy evil and will love others who enjoy it.”
In this vision I understood clearly that because of the above conditions many unbelievers would perish without Christ, and many Christians who are weak and staggering would lose their endurance and give in to evil. But the Lord of love and compassion has a plan to pour out revival and cause righteousness to triumph.
The Spirit of the Lord said to me, “The light that you saw is my power of renewal soon to be released upon the land and people of Europe. It will come if my people will give themselves wholeheartedly to seeking my face. Its coming will be like a great storm. It will be a mighty power against the darkness and will protect my people from the effect of the invasion of darkness. Wherever the light will break out the darkness shall be neutralised and defeated. But this calls for the co-operation of my people in seeking for it to happen.”

Later the Lord said to me “say to my people in Britain 'Arise and shine for the light of the Lord is come upon you…..' (please read verses 1,2&3 of Isaiah 60 for the full text.)
Yes… I understood the lord to be clearly calling Britain into a special place of responsibility. While the darkness is rising fast in the nations, and many are losing all sense of direction God will cause Britain to birth a new thing. A great light will spring out of Britain. It will be a wind of the Holy Spirit and will sweep across the whole of Europe like a bush fire. Indeed it shall stretch out to the ends of the world where it will join with other fires in world wide revival.
If you will answer this call, Oh Britain… And give yourself to institute prayer in your land…And seek the Lord with all your heart…With groaning and travailing in prayer, even as a woman in labour pains…Yes… if you will repent of your sin and iniquities…If you will heal the wounded hearts within you…And cause unity to abound among your people…Oh, if you will return to your redemptive purpose…And again be faithful to the work of being a witness of the Gospel in the nations…Then God will release upon you a mighty out-pouring of His Spirit.You will again be clothed with the Glory of the Lord. You will be a nation that bears the name of the Lord like a banner in the sky.
Other nations will see what God is doing in you. Yes, those that are struggling against the domineering darkness looming over their territories will call out to you for help and assistance. Then you will be used by the Lord to bring light and redemption to many, even as in the olden days. That is God's redemptive purpose for you.
There are many in Europe and beyond who would choose Christ, given a fair chance to decide; but up to now, they are still blinded and cannot see Christ. There are many, too, who are Christians but are weak, wounded and weary; they have no strength to resist.
If you will rise up to the challenge then the Lord will use you to take Light to such as these. Then even if the rising darkness covers their land, they will survive its destructive influence because of the revival power of God. Such is the responsibility God is laying upon you; to birth the revival that will spread out to the rest of Europe.
If you do not rise up to you calling God will let you go as He said in Proverbs 1: 22-33 (please read that passage) God will cause Judgement to come upon you, Britain, for having neglected and forsaken your destiny as a great Missionary Nation, and for not paying heed when God offered you an opportunity of Grace.
It was God's plan from the beginning to use you to take the Good News to the nations of the world. That is why from the beginning He allowed you great authority as a maritime nation; that you may travel far and wide. It was his hand that allowed you to establish an empire covering almost the entire world. It was not just for your pride, but so that in the process, you may win over the peoples of those nations to Him. Yes, it was even Him that blessed your language ENGLISH into becoming the most widely spoken language in the world. He intended to use it as a medium of communication, effectively linking the peoples of the world. Your great missionaries were used to Christianise many lands. Your Statesmen helped to end the slave trade, and to lay a foundation from which the people of God within the nations are rising to make their contribution to world evangelisation. There is a lot for you to repent of in what you did in the nations but the good things remain, nevertheless.
Look what Britain has become today. Once a great Christian nation, you have permitted many things to slip away. Very often you turned a deaf ear against all warnings to safeguard what is good and still remains of your great Christian heritage. You have already lost a great deal of that heritage, and a lot more will certainly go if you do not take quick action to redeem it. If you will not repent, Britain, you will certainly not escape God's judgement, and will be a victim of the very powers you were called to defeat.
(Please read again Isaiah 60: 4&5. This contains the rest of the prophetic revelation that I understood God to be saying specifically to Britain.)
Look your sons and daughters come from afar and gather themselves unto you. These I understand to be people from the lands once ruled by the UK – stretching across the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia. They will again form a holy alliance with you and in this networking great and mighty things shall some to pass.
Many will come from Africa and the rest of the “third world” and will be used by the Lord God to bless you spiritually. In some places they will take over your abandoned Places of worship and will bring new life to them and great blessing in revival. That is why the Lord says (verse 5) “…then you shall see, and flow together, and your heart shall fear, and be enlarged…”
This will demand great humbling on your part, but your God shall lift you up. These are the last days and God is calling every nation to take up its position in God's redemptive purpose and fulfil their calling. You are not the first nation in God's calling, but neither are you the last. Do not let pride hinder you. Look at the gifting God has allowed you to acquire over the years, and the unique position you hold in relation to Europe, America and indeed Asia. Turn now and do not allow yourself to miss God's timing. All Europe is going to pass through a very painful struggle between two aggressive forces. Light Vs darkness! God has called you to play a crucial role so arise!

CROSSRHYTHMS: http://www.crossrhythms.co.uk/propheticwords/awordforeuropefromjohnmulinde/

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