Friday, March 23, 2007


"Africa is Being Saved!" - CfaN Crusades / Conferences

"For over 30 years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has been conducting crusades in the continent of Africa. Here, you can read detailed accounts of each CfaN crusade! You will see people coming to Christ by the masses! You can experience first-hand reports and testimonies from Evangelist Bonnke and Christ for all Nations Crusade Team! Finally, you can witness what the Lord is doing around the world and be encouraged to believe Him for the miracle you need in your life, today! "

Many thousands of people are being regularly saved and many miracles and healings are witnessed on these crusades such as the example below. The crowds have reached 750,000 in the past - an ocean of humanity! RP

"Mission Journal (February 2007) - Oshogbo, Nigeria: Day 5
I just returned from the last meeting of this Gospel Crusade. What a crowd and what a blessing. Hundreds of thousands of people prayed the prayer of salvation – it was glorious. And the miracles! A well-known witch surrendered to Jesus and cleaned up his old life. A retired police-officer, who had been totally blind for years, received perfect sight, etc. The crowd was roaring praises to the Lord..."

(February 2007) Written by: Reinhard Bonnke:-
The Secret of Gospel Power :-
"Throughout most of the church’s history, the Holy Spirit was not much more than a name. The immediate answer to the question "Who is the Holy Spirit?" is the Holy Spirit is God in action on earth. For centuries, people thought of the “Holy Ghost” as just that, a holy ghost, a sort of religious fragrance or ambience lingering in Gothic churches. The majesty of the Almighty, the Third Person of the Godhead, seemed known only as a mysterious cathedral atmosphere. That is quite a status reduction!
Pinpointing When & Where:
To talk about Him, we have first to identify Him. He is the power of Pentecost. He began the Christian Church. We can pinpoint when and where this happened. It was in AD 29 at the annual Jewish festival held 50 days after Christ’s crucifixion, called the day of Pentecost. That morning the Spirit of God burst upon the world in reality; not as a sweet influence, but literally as a hurricane. He announced His own arrival with the miracle of 120 disciples speaking in tongues. This noisy outburst attracted the first Christian congregation...."

Iris Ministries

Rolland and Heidi Baker began Iris Ministries, Inc., an interdenominational mission, in 1980 and have been missionaries for the past twenty-five years. They were both ordained as ministers in 1985 after completing their BA and MA degrees at Southern California College in Biblical Studies and Church Leadership. Rolland is a third-generation missionary born and raised in China and Taiwan. He was greatly influenced by his grandfather, H.A. Baker, who wrote "Visions Beyond the Veil," an account of the extended visions of heaven and hell that children received in his remote orphanage in southwest China two generations ago.
Heidi was powerfully called to the mission field when she was sixteen and living on an Indian reservation as an American Field Service student. She was led to the Lord by a Navajo preacher. Several months later she was taken up in a vision for several hours and heard the Lord speak to her and tell her to be a minister and a missionary to Africa, Asia and England....Since this background article was written, Iris Ministries has expanded to over 5,000 churches all over Mozambique and into neighboring countries. The disastrous flooding of 2000/2001 catalyzed an overwhelming hunger for the things of God in the refugee camps where we ministered, and the Gospel continues to spread like wildfire. We now care for almost 2,000 children at our centers, and our churches are taking in orphans as well. Jesus is revealing Himself through signs and wonders, visions and dreams, and we have never seen such a harvest before us. May the Lord of the harvest send us workers!

There are many photos on this wonderful website of smiling happy faces, especially children, despite obvious poverty. They are so clearly full of the Holy Spirit. RP - March 2007

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