Monday, March 12, 2007


"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them."
Ephesians 5:11


The Free Dictionary by Farlex (online) defines "holocaust" as "a massive slaughter". We most often associate this word with the massacre of 6,000,000 Jews by the Nazis in the second world war. This was, without a shadow of doubt, one of the most horrific examples of evil the world has ever known. In fact, I used to think it was the worst until I learned more about abortion. The scale of abortions is staggering. In 1996, The Society for the The Protection of Unborn Children (UK) stated that there were around 40,000,000 abortions every year worldwide. The Centre for Bio-ethical Reform ( confirms that this figure has increased to around 46,000,000 abortions every year worldwide and around 126,000 abortions every day worldwide. As well as the vast difference in the number of innocent lives taken there is another factor to be considered. I don't wish to detract from the sheer horror of the Jewish holocaust. However, up to the point of extermination in the concentration camps the jews had lived - a life which I'm sure wasn't all bad. They hadn't had that life taken away before being born. What makes abortion so wrong and so absolutely evil is that it involves the murder of a completely innocent, defenceless human being who is denied the possibility to even be born and have a life.

I get the distinct impression that most people don't have a very accurate idea of exactly what an abortion entails. The devil has done a very good job of pulling the wool over people's eyes. I believe the word "foetus" originates from him. It does not produce the same mental image as "unborn child" does. People generally have the misconception that, at least early abortions involve a lump of flesh or an unidentifiable blob. SPUC confirms that:
"Day 21 after conception the human heart begins to beat.
Day 56 (2 months) all organs except for the lungs, are functioning. Growth and maturity is all that occurs now."
I have a small metal badge that I got from SPUC years ago. It is a representation of an unborn baby's feet at 10 weeks after conception. They re 1 cm long and each foot has 5 tiny toes.

On the other hand, I'm sure some people know that the unborn baby is formed but prefer to push the whole abortion issue out of their minds. My plea to you is to educate yourselves as to exactly what abortion is. Take a look at the shocking picture above of an abortion using the suction technique. I would urge you, no matter how unpleasant it might be, to look at more photographs of aborted babies - to discover for yourselves exactly what is involved. Then multiply by millions and realize just what a phenomenal sin and evil it is. Such photographs can be seen on the CBR website. Just click on the link and look for "abortion pictures". On this website, the following message was submitted: "I am 8 weeks pregnant and was considering an abortion. There's no way I could consider it now. I didn't realize exactly what was entailed."

Then, of course, there is the whole pro abortion camp who insist it's a "woman's right to choose". But it's nobody's right to kill. If a woman can't or doesn't want to raise a child, for whatever reason, surely it's better to have the baby adopted than to kill an innocent human being.

If there's anyone reading this article who has had an abortion or been involved, I'm sorry to shock you with a picture like the one above - to pour salt on the wound. However I'm only trying to open people's eyes and to awaken a dormant conscience. If you are being plagued by feelings of guilt, turn to Jesus in repentance and humility - he will forgive you. You will then certainly know lasting peace and you will be assured that God loves you more than you can imagine. RP - 2/12/06 & 5/5/07

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