Saturday, March 17, 2007


The Roman Catholic Institution teaches that there are seven 'sacraments' through which one is saved. The first is baptism as a baby, when the infant is supposedly cleansed of original sin, made a child of God and an heir to heaven, is 'born again' and from that moment becomes a member of the Roman Catholic church and subject to its laws. According tho the Bible, first they believed, then they were baptized.

In the sacrament of penance, catholics confess to a priest, listing all their sins since their last confession and confirming how sorry they are. The priest then issues the appropriate 'penance'. The Bible instructs believers to repent to Jesus Christ when they sin - 1 John 2:1-2. The idea of the confessional dates back to way before the Vatican - to ancient Babylon. It was part of an occult religious system. The confessional is not found in the Bible - it is one of man's inventions.

On how to run a church, the Bible never mentions priests, nuns, monks or popes. The system, along with the statues, candles and religious costumes, was created by the Roman Catholic church to impress its followers. The people love it, but only their leaders really understand the religious phraseology and psychology used to control their nearly one billion members.

The origins of the communion wafer are also found in ancient Babylon, when sun-shaped wafers made from unleavened bread were consecrated by the Egyptian priests. They then supposedly, magically became the flesh of the sun god Isiris. Like the ancient Egyptians, Roman catholics
believe that the priest, using magic powers, transforms the host into the literal body of our Lord Jesus...

Taken from the Jack Chick tract ARE ROMAN CATHOLICS CHRISTIANS? -1985. Read the full tract on:-

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