Friday, March 23, 2007


Jack Chick has been writing, illustrating and publishing comic style gospel tracts for over 40 years. They always end in an easy to understand salvation message. I very much believe that his ministry has God's blessing and that Jack is doing God's work. He is still alive today and still producing new tracts.

A few years ago, I thought of an expression I've heard many times in American films. This expression, I would think, is widespread in the USA. Jack Chick is American. The phrase never really caught on in the UK. It's "Jack Shit" - vulgar I know. It means nothing - for example: "You don't know Jack Shit". I believe this expression originated from satan. As usual, he twists things - as well as insulting Jack, he is inferring that he and his work are nothing. In fact, the opposite is true: the gospel message of salvation is everything! RP - November 2006


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